Gesellschaft für elektrische Hochleistungs­prüfungen Member of Short-Circuit Testing Liaison (STL)

Our Competence

PEHLA Testing

The Testing Division consists of several independent test laboratories (test facilities) which feature state-of-the-art test equipment and are accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025 by the German accreditation body “Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle” (DAkkS) or the Swiss accreditation body “Schweizerischen Akkreditierungsstelle” (SAS).

  • All test facilities are accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025.
  • We have over 60 years of testing experience.
  • Our laboratories are equipped with cutting-edge testing and measuring equipment.
  • Our members are actively involved on international and national expert committees.
  • Our knowledge increases thanks to permanent training and the performing of tests.
  • All laboratories participate in a constant exchange of experience.

PEHLA Product Certification

The Product Certification Division provides customers with the opportunity to have their type-tested products subjected to a conformity assessment by PEHLA. For this activity, PEHLA disposes of the appropriate accreditation according to ISO/IEC 17065 issued by Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle (DAkkS).

PEHLA Inspection and Services

PEHLA provides inspection services based on the ISO/IEC 17020 quality standard. The inspection enables the Customer to have their product(s), process(es), service(s), installation(s) or development(s) inspected by an independent, competent and authorized third-party organization (so-called third-party conformity assessment within the meaning of ISO/IEC 17020).