Owner of the inspection system
PEHLA I&S as the owner of the inspection system is responsible for development, improvement, modification and maintaining thereof. To this end, the inspection system is checked that it is up to date on a regular basis, at least once a year.
Independence and impartiality
The inspection activities at PEHLA I&S are performed independently and impartially. PEHLA I&S's independence of PEHLA GmbH is confirmed by the declaration of independence and impartiality.
Complaints and objections
The procedure regarding complaints and objections is regulated in IP QMA 05 and anchored in the QMH of PEHLA I&S.
The inspection system of PEHLA I&S is the property of PEHLA GmbH and copying or further use as a whole or in part shall not be permitted without the written permission of the owner.
In the event of misuse, PEHLA GbR reserves the right to take legal action and withdraw results reports issued by PEHLA I&S.